What are Exosomes?

Sadie Young
December 20, 2023
Skin Care

Exosomes Come in Peace

Yeah, I know they sound like some home planet in a sci-fi movie or the name of an alien race the government just name dropped after telling us all that aliens exist. I’m totally still on the alien bandwagon because those memes are hilarious, okay? So what exactly are exosomes if they aren’t aliens coming to take me away from my drab existence?

microchanneling columbus ohio

What are Exosomes?

I’d rather stick to science fiction, but science is cool too I guess. Exosomes are little messengers that relay information between cells. They are a kind of bubble that’s released by cells themselves that pass along nutrients and immune factors to help build cell production and support healing.

Why do we care about them?

Some of those little snippets of information I shared might sound a bit familiar. Cell production? Promoting healing? Any of this ringing a bell? If the lovely term anti-aging comes to mind, then you’ve been reading my other blogs! Or you’re just a smart cookie. Exosomes are essential in regenerative medicine and because they promote new, healthy cell growth, they are the perfect addition to any anti-aging treatment. Exosomes contain messenger RNAs (mRNA) that transport genetic information with instructions for making specific proteins that help fight off aging skin or hair loss. That was totally a mouth full, but I’m sure you caught on to the important bits. Those of us experienced (no I won’t say aged) individuals have a sixth sense when it comes to our anti-aging radar and it’s whirling so hard right now. Treatments that range from injections to microneedling are all the rage now and for good reason.

As we become experienced our cells’ reproduction slows and has difficulty producing the proteins and enzymes needed to keep our skin looking young and radiant. Exosome treatments cause new proteins to be made deep within the skin increasing collagen and elastin production. They help revive dull-looking skin and keep it hydrated, which we know is essential for healthy skin. Exosomes don’t just stop there though, there are several benefits to having one of these treatments done.

Additional benefits of Exosome treatments

Decreases inflammation

Those tricky little messengers also carry messages to inflamed cells, helping them repair and regenerate. This is great for those with chronic inflammation.

Reduces chronic pain

This one kind of ties in with the inflammation because chronic pain comes from inflammation. By healing these cells, the inflammation (and accompanying pain) is lessened.

Supports metabolic functions

Back to those reinvigoration properties! Exosomes give those cells a nice boost of energy causing them to metabolize nutrients better. This can have all kinds of amazing effects on the body like helping with weight loss and muscle tone and improving energy levels. You already had me at anti-aging, but now you REALLY have me.

Better brain health

Yes, those lovelies even help repair damaged brain cells! Your cognitive functioning can be better than ever with exosomes.

Boost Immunity

I think you can see how important healthy cell function is by seeing how improving their function can cause all kinds of amazing things to happen. Exosomes regenerative prowess boosts the body’s immune system so no more winter colds (okay you can’t get rid of germs completely).

I’m already running to get this treatment because hello! It’s amazing! Best part about this treatment? It’s safe and noninvasive with no downtime. Okay, so maybe it’s not the best, BUT it’s still a great benefit. 614 Beauty offers microchanneling treatments with all of the exosome goodness.

Anti Aging Columbus Ohio
Anteage Exosome Solution
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