The Woes of Acne Scarring

Sadie Young
July 17, 2024

One of the things they never tell you as an adult, is that acne isn’t just a phase. So if you’re a teenager reading this, sorry sunshine, you’re in it for the long haul. Thanks adults for telling me. Oh wait… you didn’t. If I’d known I’d still be getting random acne as a 30 something adult, I would have stayed a kid. They have better snacks anyway. Acne sucks for sure, but those pesky adults failed to mention the even worse side effect of acne, it has the potential for scarring! That’s it, I'm building a time machine and I'm going to stay in the year 2002 (on second thought, I don’t think I could handle that fashion era again). Those of us with acne scarring can attest to the fact that even long after the acne is gone, it can still leave an unpleasant goodbye present. Let’s all take a moment to boo and hiss at acne and the rude adults that didn’t prepare us better. Cool. Moving on.

Acne Scarring

Acne scarring comes in different forms and depending on the severity, the treatment for each could be slightly different. I should just call all the types horrible names because nobody likes them anyway.

  • Atrophic scars are indented or depressed acne scars that make the surface of the skin look uneven. Just what my skin needs, more unevenness,
  • Hypertrophic scars are raised and thick. The joke for this one is just too cheap, so I’ll leave it even though my inner 12 year old boy is screaming at me not to.
  • Ice-pick scars are narrow and deep and look as if the skin has been punctured. Yeesh, the mental picture this one evokes is not pretty. It sounds like a serial killer’s move.
  • Box car scars are shallow and depressed (why does that sound like a description of my roommate in college) with sharp edges (Wow. Yup. Exactly like her).
  • Rolling scars are also shallow and depressed but with a smooth edge. At least this one’s got the smooth thing going for them.
  • Hyperpigmentation isn’t technically a scar, but it can be caused by acne. It’s the skin discoloration that results from an acne lesion, but can last for many years after the fact. Lovely.

How to treat it

Maybe it’s a good thing acne scarring is so common because there are a bunch of different ways to treat it. Sorry, just trying to look a little on the bright side here. Acne scarring can be treated at home or with a professional (dermatologist, or esthetician) depending on the type of treatment you elect to do. If you are looking to try something new for clearing up the scarring though, you might want to consult a dermatologist beforehand.

Retinol + Retinoids

Ah, we never can seem to get away from retinol. But retinol and acne are like the best of frenemies or maybe just plain old nemeses because retinol is almost always a solid choice when it comes to eliminating acne. Retinols have multiple killer uses. They treat acne scarring, sure, but, they also treat active acne. The active ingredients they contain are known to prevent and treat acne breakouts.  Retinols and retinoids also improve the texture of skin by boosting collagen production and cell turnover. Collagen is one of our favorite buzz words because it helps skin to have a smoother, more youthful appearance (and that includes eliminating scarring).


We love all the acids (well the good ones) both alpha-hydroxy and beta-hydroxy because of their amazing exfoliation properties. Eliminating dead skin cells by using a product with hydroxy acids (glycolic acid, lactic acid, mandelic acid, salicylic acid) helps improve skin texture and tone. When you get all the nasty layers off, your skin is able to create better, smoother skin cells to replace the old crusty ones. For those with active acne or oily skin, try beta-hydroxy products (salicylic acid) and for those with discoloration or hyperpigmentation, reach for the alpha-hydroxy products instead.


Are you as surprised as I am by this one? Yes! Wearing sunscreen isn’t just a way to prevent future skin issues, but to help alleviate current ones. When your skin is exposed to the sun without protection, those current acne scars can become even darker and more noticeable. If you’re worried about sunscreen causing your acne to flare up, just choose a sunscreen that is non-comedogenic so it won’t clog up your pores. Sunscreen is key to your skincare routine.


Antioxidants are another winner when it comes to treating acne scarring. Certain antioxidants (like vitamin C) are known to brighten skin tone, helping with discoloration, texture, and redness or inflammation.

Procedures offered at 614 Beauty

I make it sound so ominous like you’re going in to get a tooth pulled or something. You’re going in for a procedure. It’s way better than getting a tooth pulled, I promise. For deeper acne scarring that creams and such don’t eliminate, there are certain in office procedures you can have done. 614 Beauty offers all of these procedures in house and are excellent choices for those that need something other than an over the counter approach.

Chemical Peels are rich with all of the acids we talked about before, but in a more concentrated package with amazing skin results. We offer 3 different kinds of chemical peels, each designed to help even skin tone and encourage cell regeneration.

Microchanneling, in theory, might sound like it would do the opposite of what you are wanting in healing acne scars. You want to make a bunch of tiny holes in my skin and that’s supposed to heal the acne holes I already have? Well, yes, and it’s not as ridiculous as it sounds. A microchanneling procedure starts with application of a super awesome serum and then a device that contains hollow microneedles is tapped across the skin creating microchannels. These channels allow the serum to penetrate deeper into the layers causing the skin to increase its production of skin cells. These newer skin cells give your face a whole new radiant look and help eliminate acne scarring.

Hydrodermabrasion Regular old microdermabrasion works too, but we’re partial to hydrodermabrasion and the results are very similar. Hydrodermabrasion is an exfoliation treatment that removes the outer layer of dead skin cells while stimulating blood circulation and lymphatic flow. The resulting skin is left feeling rejuvenated with a nice even tone.

Other Procedures

Injectables (fillers)- In cases of deeper acne scars, fillers may be injected into the skin to smooth over the scarring.

Laser Resurfacing - Similar in practice to chemical peels and dermabrasion, the top layer of dead skin is removed. This one requires the area of treatment to be covered until it is healed. If you still have active acne or just dark spots, this procedure isn’t your best option.

Subcision- Subcision is an interesting little procedure where the scars are brought closer to the surface by loosening the fibers beneath to make it less noticeable over time. Alternatively, the scars are actually  removed and replaced by a smaller scar (from the procedure itself) that will heal over time. We gave you tons of options for eliminating acne scarring so I guess there's no need for me to build that time machine.

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